Donate to Cove Cause for Cancer

A Central Pennsylvania Community Cancer Foundation in Morrisons Cove, PA

Donations to Cove Cause for Cancer go towards our mission of providing support to patients during their cancer journey. Donations received will go to many different expenses, including, but not limited to: rent, hotel costs, transportation costs, medical costs, and organizations working to find a cure. To donate, click the button below, or contact Cove Cause for Cancer by calling (814) 312-3297 or emailing [email protected].


Want to support Cove Cause for Cancer all while spreading awareness?
Check out our apparel!

Order by calling (814) 312-3297 or emailing [email protected].

PLEASE DO NOT place orders for apparel on our Facebook Page.


  • XS - XL $15
  • XXL - XXXL $18

Long Sleeve T-Shirts

  • XS - XL $18
  • XXL - XXXL $21


  • XS - XL $30
  • XXL - XXXL $35


  • One Size $1

Pre Orders Available


Ritchey's Dairy
Curry Supply Co.
The Park at Morrisons Cove

Sponsorship Levels

Cause Sponsor

Become a general sponsor to support the cause.


Help sponsor one of our fundraising events this year!


Sponsor our year-end event at Morrisons Cove Memorial Park.

In-Kind Sponsor

Donate products or goods to help offset the cost of our fundraising events throughout the year.

If any of these opportunities sound like something you, your company, or your organization would like to be a part of, or if you would like more information, please send us an email or talk to one of the Journey Committee Members.

Thank You for Your Support

We would like to thank all of our sponsors, partners, and affiliates for supporting Cove Cause for Cancer. With your help, we can remain committed to our mission to be a strong support to all patients and families on cancer journeys and to help find cures for all types of cancer.